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This half term our Christian Value is Kindness.


We are a happy, family school with strong Christian values. We all work together to promote a love of learning where children succeed and reach their full potential. We hope you enjoy your visit.Hanley Swan Primary School is part of the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust


In literacy, we are going to plan to write our own story (narrative) based on Little Red Riding Hood for our class display. How exciting! It will take all week to properly plan our story and to make sure it's the best story that we can write. Don't rush through it and try to do a little each day. Good luck Class 2!   

Literacy Plan Year 1 and Year 2

Year 2 Spellings

Website:  Spelling rule 14 - adding endings ing, ed, er and est


Year 1 Spellings

Website: ea vowel digraph and trigraph

Year 1 Phonics - Read Write Inc:

Each day the Read Write Inc team post sound videos on their youtube channel.

For our Year 1 children they can revise Set 2 and learn Set 3. There are also 2 other useful videos on challenging words and red (tricky) words that are worth a watch if you have time.


Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube


Monday 22nd February

Set 2 - oo

Set 3 - oa

Reading longer words – ure


Tuesday 23rd February

Set 2 - ar

Set 3 - ew

Reading longer words - ee / ea

Wednesday 24th February

Set 2 - or

Set 3 - ire

Reading longer words - oy / oi


Thursday 25th February

Set 2 - air

Set 3 - ear

Reading longer words - ay / a-e / ai


Friday 26th February

Set 2 - ir

Set 3 - ure

Reading longer words - igh / i-e