Hanley Swan, St. Gabriel's with St. Mary's, C of E Primary School is a popular 4 - 11 Academy. We don't have an open day as we like you to see our school as a normal day. Prospective parents are welcome to contact the school office to book a personalised tour of the school during the school day.
Should you wish to meet us and have a tour of the school please contact the office on 01684 310364 or email office@hanleyswanps.org.uk We are now booking appointments for visits around school.
As an academy, Hanley Swan, St. Gabriel's with St. Mary's, C of E Primary School is its own admissions authority. The Governors of Hanley Swan, St. Gabriel's with St. Mary's, C of E Primary School will be responsible for deciding the outcomes of applications for places in any year group at any time.
Admission into Year R (Reception)
All applications for Reception places will be co-ordinated by Worcestershire Local Authority (LA), who will make offers of places on behalf of the Governors of the school. Parents or guardians who reside within Worcestershire are required to complete a Worcestershire LA Common Application Form. This can be downloaded or completed online via the link at the bottom of this page.
Parents or guardians who do not reside within Worcestershire, but who wish to apply for a place for their child at Hanley Swan, St. Gabriel's with St. Mary's, C of E Primary School must complete an application form for their “home” LA which will ensure that application details are passed to Worcestershire for consideration according to the oversubscription criteria as detailed in our admissions policy.
Admission into other Years or into Reception outside the normal admissions process
Any applications for a place at Hanley Swan, St. Gabriel's with St. Mary's, C of E Primary School outside the normal year or time of entry to the school must now be made directly to the school. The school will notify the relevant Local Authority of the outcome of the application and inform parents of their right to appeal against a refusal of a place.
From 2023-2024 applications for a place outside the normal year will be made directly to School admissions, on behalf of the Local Authority. The Co-ordinated Schemes can be viewed at the following link: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2023-08/information_for_parents_book_2023-24_-_existing_year_groups.pdf
Waiting list for admissions
A waiting list for places in each year is held by the school. Parents who have been initially unsuccessful in securing a place should contact the school directly to enquire about the waiting list.
Parents whose application for a place at Hanley Swan, St. Gabriel's with St. Mary's, C of E Primary School has been unsuccessful have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. Appeals should be made in writing for the attention of the Clerk to the Governors.