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This half term, our Christian Vision focus will be on PERSEVERANCE.


We are a happy, family school with strong Christian values. We all work together to promote a love of learning where children succeed and reach their full potential. We hope you enjoy your visit.Hanley Swan Primary School is part of the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust

What are we doing this week?


The Three Little Pigs

This week, we will explore the story of The Three Little Pigs and enjoy a selection of activities based on it. This will include being 'real scientists' and looking more closely at the building materials—can we really blow down a house of straw?


Thank you all for attending the open classrooms last week. It was a privilege to see the children so confident in the classroom. I am so proud of how far they have all come, I hope you are too.



Sound - Reading & writing ay

Handwriting - I

Activity - News Writing & RWI

Make pairs - odd and even

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ee

Handwriting - J

Activity - Read, Write, Inc

Double to 8 (find a double)

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing igh

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading /writing activities

Double to 8 (make a double)

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ow

Handwriting - K

Activity - Read, Write, Inc

Combine 2 groups

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing oo

Handwriting - L

Activity - Read, Write Inc.

Conceptual subitising

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8




The Chinese New Year

This week, we will explore Chinese culture and learn about the Chinese New Year. We will find China on maps, investigate similarities and differences between China and the UK, and examine their New Year celebration. There will be lantern-making, dragon dancing, chopstick challenges, and many more fun learning opportunities.



 Sound - Reading & writing ou

Handwriting - E

Activity - News Writing & RWI

Find 6, 7 & 8

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing oy

Handwriting - F

Activity - Read, Write, Inc

Represent 6, 7 & 8

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ch

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading /writing activities

1 more

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing th

Handwriting - G

Activity - Read, Write, Inc

1 less

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing sh

Handwriting - H

Activity - Read, Write Inc.

Composition of 6, 7 & 8

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8






Mi Casa Es Su Casa Continued...

We had so much fun with houses last week, that we did not get on to houses from around the world. This week we will be looking at various houses and homes from around the world using stories and information books.




 Sound - Reading & writing oo

Handwriting - Introducing capital letters - A

Activity - News Writing & RWI

 Compare mass

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ar

Handwriting - B

Activity - Read, Write, Inc

Find a balance

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing or

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Read / writing activities

Explore capacity

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing air

Handwriting - C

Activity - Read, Write, Inc

Compare capacity

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing ir

Handwriting - D

Activity - Read, Write Inc.


Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5




Mi Casa Es Su Casa!


This week, we will be exploring what makes a house a house. The children will get to create pictures of their house, talk about it, and we will even try to find their house on 'Google Earth'. It will be very exciting! We will also be reading a traditional Mexican book all about a house in Mexico and hopefully... learning a little Spanish!


PE this half term will be on Wednesday and Friday. On Friday, we have a teacher from Dance in Motion leading the lesson, and each week, the session will be based on a different dance type. Last week, we did 'street dance'. I am recording the dances, and you will be able to watch them later this term!

Forest School will start on Thursday afternoon, please ensure your child has a set of warm old clothes in school that day.



 Sound - Reading & writing ay

Handwriting - Introducing the 'Zig Zag Monsters' - 'v'

Activity - News Writing

 One more

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ee

Handwriting - 'w'

Activity - Read, Write, Inc

One less

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing igh

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Read / writing activities


Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ow

Handwriting - 'x'

Activity - Read, Write, Inc

Conceptual subitising to 5

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing oo

Handwriting - 'z' 

Activity - Read, Write Inc.

Represent 0 to 5

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5



A New Year!



HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome back!!


I hope you all had a great holiday and enjoyed the time with your children.


We will be jumping straight back into school life this week with a host of New Year activities. We will be finding out about their Christmas holiday, and using this as a stimulus for writing, drawing and painting.

We will be learning about New Year's resolutions and creating our own.






Sound - Reading & writing sh

Handwriting - k

Activity - News Writing

Revise Zero

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ch

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco (One Armed Robots)

Activity - Read Activities

Find 0 to 5

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing th

Handwriting - Revise One Armed Robots

Activity - New Year Resolution

Subitise 0 to 5

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing ay

Handwriting - Revise Long Ladder, Curly Caterpillar & One Armed Robot letters.

Activity - New Year Resolution

Represent 0 to 5

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
