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This half term our Christian Value is Kindness.


We are a happy, family school with strong Christian values. We all work together to promote a love of learning where children succeed and reach their full potential. We hope you enjoy your visit.Hanley Swan Primary School is part of the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust

What are we doing this week?


The saddest week of the year is here - the last week in class 1! I already have a tear in my eye just writing this! Miss Evans and I will definitely need some tissues on Friday!


This year has been amazing. Your children have been an absolute joy to work with and it has been a privilege teaching them. They have all worked very hard and achieved so much in such a short time! Well done to all of them! Miss Evans, Mrs Cairns, Mrs Lavelle and I would like to say a HUGE thank you to you for having such super children!


Monday is Sports Day, do not forget to come and cheer at 1:15 pm if you can. 

Tuesday will be transition activities in class 2 and an afternoon of water fun! The children will need a change of old clothes/shoes, underwear and a towel on Tuesday!

On Wednesday and Thursday, we will be reflecting on the year and thinking about all the amazing things we have done. 


Thank you for your support over the year, it is appreciated. 


6 weeks is now ahead of us. It would be fantastic if you could do a little bit of reading, writing and maths over the holiday. This would make a massive difference to their success in September and give them a flying start to class 2.

Try reading all the lovely storybooks you have in your home or visit the library and have a go at the Summer Reading Challenge


Perhaps the children could do a holiday diary, this can be a wonderful 'show and tell' for Miss Gill in class 2.


Count anything and everything, and get the children to use their number knowledge to solve problems! We have worked with numbers up to 100, addition and subtraction up to 20, sharing into groups, doubling, number bonds for numbers up to 10 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a fabulous summer holiday. Whatever you do as a family; have fun together, smile and laugh together and enjoy your time together! See you in September!



It is going to be a mixed bag this week. We will be finishing off our work on 'growing' as well as taking part in a few other special activities.

On Monday, we will be watching class 3 and 4 perform their play. On Thursday, the new pupils will be joining us for fun and games in the morning. In the afternoon, we will be taking part in our last Forest School session. Throughout this week, they will also be visiting class 2.


On Wednesday, they will bring home their PE kit. This is ready for sports day - they need to come to school in their PE kits on Monday 15th July.


Sound - Reading & writing ai

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Numbers above 20

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing oa

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Read Write Inc 


Maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing ew

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

2D and 3D shapes

Maths games


New pupils in class



Sound -  Reading & writing wh

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Caption writing


Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100



Minibeast Madness continued...

The children enjoyed our work on minibeasts last week. This week we will continue with the minibeast theme and look in more detail at some of the other minibeast lifecycles.

On Thursday, the children will no longer be the youngest members of the school family, as the new pupils will join us for the afternoon. What an amazing year! Where has the time gone?

There will also be a transition activity on Thursday, they will get to enjoy some time with Miss Gill in class 2.



Sound - Reading & writing aw

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Counting in 10s.

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing are

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Subitising larger numbers

Maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing ur

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

Odd and even numbers

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing er

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Read Write Inc 


Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing ow

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Caption writing


Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100




Minibeast madness

The children enjoyed the visit to Upton last week. The visit covered many topics from the past year and the children made the connections and remembered so much. They were also so well-behaved. We were proud of the way they spoke to the museum staff, how sensible they were walking between venues, how respectful they were in the library and how delightful they were during the whole day. Well done class 1!


This week we will be exploring minibeasts. We will be searching for them, using magnifying glasses to look more closely at them, painting them and creating habitats for them. We will also be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.


Please do not forget to apply sun cream to your children before they come to school this week. They will also need a hat to wear when they go outside. Many thanks.



Sound - Reading & writing a-e

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Subtracting small numbers from numbers below 10

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing i-e

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Subtracting small numbers from numbers below 20

Maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing o-e

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

Counting in 2s

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing u-e

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Counting in 5s

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100




Libraries, museums and rivers

Happy Father's Day Dads!

I hope you are all having a great day.

An assortment of topics will be covered this week, all of which will tie together learning from over the last year. We will be learning about libraries around the world and creating our very own book. We will also be investigating museums and why they are important, as part of this we will be visiting some world virtual museums. We have a very special Forest School with class 4 on Thursday - do not forget those old clothes!

If that is not enough, we will also have our class trip to Upton on Wednesday! Do not forget a packed lunch, drink and coat in a bag that they can carry.



Sound - Reading & writing ou

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Ordering and writing numbers to 20.

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing oy

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Make a book

Adding small groups

Maths games

WednesdayClass Visit 

Sound - Reading & writing ea

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Write about trip

Adding small groups to large groups

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing oi

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - Caption writing

Adding games

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100




Brilliant Birds...

This week, we will be exploring birds and their lifecycles. We will be talking about the wide variety of birds that live on planet Earth and their habitats and what birds we can see around Hanley Swan. On Tuesday, we might even get a visit from a Little Hen! Please feel free to pop in and say hello at the end of the day.

As part of our continued work on 'plant growth', Class 1 have been doing an amazing job with the Maweni Garden allotment, you are always welcome to have a look after school.

PE will be on Tuesday this week and Forest School will continue on Friday (do not forget a set of old clothes).

On Tuesday, we will also have a special story time with Sue from Upton Library. She will be bringing one of her favourite books to read with the class. This is also a lovely chance to meet Sue before we visit the library the following week.


Sound - Reading & writing ar

Handwriting - high-frequency words

Activity - News Writing and Reading

 Decompose shapes

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing or

Handwriting - high frequency words

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Copy 2-D shape pictures

Maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing air

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

Find 2-D shapes within 3-D shapes

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ir

Handwriting - high frequency words

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Ordering & writing numbers to 10.

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing ou

Handwriting - high frequency words

Activity - Caption writing

Ordering & writing numbers to 20.

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100



Animal Growth & Lifecycles


I hope that you have all had a good half-term and enjoyed a short break. This week, we will be exploring a variety of animals and learning about how they grow and change. We will be exploring the lifecycle of a frog, along with several other creatures that the children would like to learn about. 


If the sun keeps shining, please do not forget to apply sun cream to your children before they come to school. They will also need a hat to wear when they go outside. Many thanks.



Sound - Reading & writing ay

Handwriting - y / Y

Activity - News Writing and Reading

 Select shapes for a purpose

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ee

Handwriting - z / Z

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Rotate shapes

Maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing igh

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

Manipulate shapes

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ow

Handwriting - ch

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Explain shape arrangements

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing oo

Handwriting - th

Activity - Caption writing

Compose shapes

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100



The River Severn Continued...

The children were AMAZING on the class trip to the River Severn last week. They were interested, enthusiastic and very well-behaved. I was so proud of them. It would be lovely for them to take you to the Fish Pass this summer. If you would like any information about the Fish Pass, please come and ask or check out their website.


This week, we will continue to learn about the Severn. We will explore the creatures that swim below the surface, create our own collage fish and make our own rivers.


Do not forget that school is closed on Friday. Have a fabulous half term and I hope the children have a very well-deserved break.




Sound - Reading & writing wh

Handwriting - v / V

Activity - News Writing and Reading

 Identify units of repeating patterns

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ph

Handwriting - w / W

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Create own pattern rules

maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing all sounds

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

Explore own pattern rules

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing all sounds

Handwriting - x / X

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Revise Patterns

Maths games


No School

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100




The River Severn

The River Severn will be a mini-topic for the next two weeks. It will build on last term's habitat work and go on to explore rivers, the water cycle, mapping and water. It is going to be a very exciting week!

Do not forget that we will be out exploring the River Severn on Thursday. The children need to be in full school uniform with a packed lunch, water bottle and coat.


It is also an exciting week for the children as we will be joined by the year 5 pupils each morning. They will be supporting the class with reading, writing and maths.


The children have been working very hard in our Maweni Garden over the last few weeks. If you have a moment after school, please take some time to enjoy the area and talk to your child about the plants. 



Sound - Reading & writing ew

Handwriting - s / S

Activity - News Writing and Reading


Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ire

Handwriting - t / T

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Even and odd sharing

maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing ear

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

Play with and build doubles

Maths games

ThursdayRiver Severn Trip 

Sound -  Reading & writing ure

Handwriting - u / U

Activity - Write about the visit

Problem-solving with Year 1

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100



Plant Growth

This week, we will be finding out about plant growth and enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

We will investigate how plants grow and will be enjoying some time in the allotment planting a few seeds.






Sound - Reading & writing u-e

Handwriting - p / P

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Explore sharing

maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing ow (cow)

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games


Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ai

Handwriting - q / Q

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Explore grouping

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing oa

Handwriting - r / R

Activity - Caption writing

Exploring grouping 2

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100



Human Growth Continued...

We will be continuing with human growth this week. Thank you for the gorgeous baby photos, the children have enjoyed sharing them with us. We will be moving on to comparing and contrasting different stages of life and ordering them this week.

Cricket will continue on Tuesday and Forest school on Thursday.


Please do not forget to return the River Severn visit slip.




Sound - Reading & writing ur

Handwriting - l / L

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Add more

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing er

Handwriting - m / M

Activity - Read Write Inc 

How many did I add?

maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing a-e

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

Take away

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing i-e

Handwriting - n / N

Activity - Read Write Inc 

How many did I take away?

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing o-e

Handwriting - o / O

Activity - Caption writing

Adding and taking away (recap)

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 100



Human Growth

This week, we will be focusing on human growth. We will be learning the main stages of life along with how we grow and what we need – a healthy lifestyle. We will be exploring parts of the body and talking about the variety of food groups that are needed in order for our body to work well.


We will be talking about how we have grown, and it would be great if your child could share a photo of themselves as a baby. The photos can be printed or emailed to .

Cricket will continue on Tuesday and Forest School on Thursday (don't forget old clothes if they are not already in school).


Sound - Reading & writing ou

Handwriting - h / H

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Build numbers beyond 10 (14-20)

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing oy

Handwriting - i / I

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Continue patterns beyond 10 (14-20)

maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing ea

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading/writing games

Verbal counting beyond 20

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing oi

Handwriting - j / J

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Verbal counting patterns

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing aw

Handwriting - k / K

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Numbers to 20 and beyond

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0 - 20







Sound - Reading & writing oo

Handwriting - d / D

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Identify more complex patterns

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ar

Handwriting - e / E

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Copy and continue patterns

maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing or

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading games

 Patterns in the environment

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing air

Handwriting - f / F

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Build numbers beyond 10 (10 -13)

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing ir

Handwriting - g / G

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Continue patterns beyond 10 (10-13)

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10




Living or not living? 

Welcome back! 

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and the children had a well-deserved rest. 

We are jumping straight back into the swing of things this week by finding out about their Easter Holiday and starting our topic on 'growth'.

We will begin by unpicking the difference between things that are alive and things that are not alive.

Cricket will start on Tuesday and Forest School will be on Thursday. 


Please remember to return 2 sets of reading books (in their plastic wallets) and a library book on Monday. Many thanks.



Sound - Revise set 2

Handwriting - alphabet

Activity - News Writing and Reading

Number Games to 10

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing ay

Handwriting - a /A

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Recognise and name 3D shapes

maths games


Sound - Reading  & writing ee

Handwriting - Write Dance / Pen Disco

Activity - Reading games

Find 2D shapes within 3D shapes

Maths games


Sound - Reading & writing igh

Handwriting - b/B

Activity - Read Write Inc 

Use 3D shapes for tasks

Maths games


Sound -  Reading & writing ow (snow)

Handwriting - c/C

Activity - Read Write Inc 

3D shapes in the environment

Maths games

Home Support

Play with the sounds covered so far.

Regular reading

Play with numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

