Spring Term 2025
Who Am I?
Welcome back and a happy New Year to you all.
A New Year means a new term and of course new topics. This term we will be looking at houses and homes. We will also be including some mini topics such as winter, animals, religious festivals and other themes that the children would like to learn more about.
Within the topic ‘houses and homes’ we will be talking about our homes, different types of homes, and famous homes e.g. The 3 Little Pigs and the unusual house in Hansel and Gretel. We will examine several religious celebrations including the Chinese New Year and Easter. There will also be a mini geography field trip in and around Hanley Swan and we will find out about building materials and mapping a route. Mixed in with this will be the mini topics and topics chosen by the children. Keep an eye on the 'What are we doing this week' page, to keep up-to-date with what is happening in class 1.
In Literacy, we will continue to use our sound knowledge to read and write words. We will be developing our cursive handwriting and attempting to write simple sentences. Alongside these, we will continue to learn the High Frequency Words. Please continue to read regularly with your child – it is already noticeable the difference between those who read very regularly and those who do not.
In Numeracy, we will be developing our number skills by looking at and counting numbers to 10 and beyond. We will also be writing numerals 0 – 10, working on addition and subtraction, exploring 3D shapes and re-creating patterns.
The PSHE focus is ' dreams and goals'. We will be exploring aspirations, how to achieve goals and unpicking the emotions that go with this.
Forest School will continue this term. It would be helpful if your child could bring a set of warm old clothes (named) in a plastic bag. The clothes can stay in school for the half term, and it means they have something warm to wear on the colder days.
Things to bring to school
PE Kit – Stays in school and sent home to wash if dirty and/or at the end of each half term.
Wellington boots– Stay in school.
Water bottle - returned each day with water in.
Packed Lunch or Lunch ordered
Coat and if needed cold weather clothes for Forest School.
When hot – a hat and suncream
In Bookbag – every day:
Reading Folder & Home school liaison book.
If you have any queries about school, please do not hesitate to pop in and ask.