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This half term, our Christian Vision focus will be on RESPECT.


We are a happy, family school with strong Christian values. We all work together to promote a love of learning where children succeed and reach their full potential. We hope you enjoy your visit.Hanley Swan Primary School is part of the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust

Our School Vision

Our School Vision


Through our authentic Christian character, our vision is to ensure that every pupil and member of the school family live life to its fullness and, in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) reaches their full potential in all that they do – Be all you can be! 


We understand that everyone has an inherent dignity and worth and that it is important that we discover and learn from each other, built on strong relationships between the school family and from other cultures, beliefs and communities.  It gives everyone hope and the opportunity to continually challenge and better themselves both academically and personally. 


Jesus taught us that he came to give life –life in all its fullness (John 10:10) and this important lesson is the golden strand that runs through everything that we do. It helps us promote confidence, wisdom, aspiration, resilience and independence in every child. It is key in developing partnerships with parents, the local community and the church. It underpins the learning and environment in school and ties together our 6 core Christian values. 
