In school this week we will be celebrating Modern Britain.
We want to celebrate the rich cultures of the diverse communities we have in this country. We will be basing our work on exploring what diversity means, building up an understanding and mutual respect of different cultures and beliefs and the positive impact it has on our country.
The children will gain a greater understanding of core British values:
The rule of law.
Individual liberty.
Mutual respect.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
To support this very important week we will have a number of visitors in to talk to the whole school about their life in Modern Britain. They include:
Chondon and a chef from Thrishnas talking about their life in Upton-upon Severn and doing some cooking for us.
Dayamay talking about Buddhism and his life in Malvern.
Umar Hussain talking about Islam and his life in this county.
Harriett Baldwin MP talking about her role as an MP for West Worcestershire, British Values and democracy in this country.
Plus more...
It is going to be a very exciting week!!
To keep up-to-date with all that is going on, please see the newly created Modern Britain page.