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This half term, our Christian Vision focus will be on PERSEVERANCE.


We are a happy, family school with strong Christian values. We all work together to promote a love of learning where children succeed and reach their full potential. We hope you enjoy your visit.Hanley Swan Primary School is part of the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust

Visitors from Tazania

Tanzanian Visitors

We are very much looking forward to welcoming Wallace, the head teacher of Maweni Primary School, back to Hanley Swan again this year. This year he will be bringing another of his teachers, Christina, with him. I am collecting them from Birmingham airport on Tuesday afternoon and then taking them down to the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday. Wallace and Christina will be accompanying us on our trip to Warwick Castle on Thursday. We have a lot planned whilst they are here. Wallace and Justice will spend a lot time with the children telling them about the projects they have fund-raised for and also be cooking some Tanzanian cuisine with each class. I’m sure you will hear lots from the children about Wallace and Christina and please do come and speak to them when they are in playground in the mornings and after school. 