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This half term our Christian Value is Kindness.


We are a happy, family school with strong Christian values. We all work together to promote a love of learning where children succeed and reach their full potential. We hope you enjoy your visit.Hanley Swan Primary School is part of the Hanley and Upton Educational Trust


Class 2 Maths

Each year group in Maths has been given a Quick Maths book. For year 1, to write it in their blue Quick Maths book, is a new concept.   Previously, they have written on their sheets. Year 2 are familiar with this. I have given out a couple of levels to each child, so that as they progress you can move them up. They have 10 minutes to complete as many calculations as possible. As time goes goes by, they will improve and progress. If you need further copies, I can email this, if you ask me on The children write out the calculations to help them with their number formation. It looks like this: 


After completing Quick Maths, the White Rose video link should be watched and then activities and/or workbooks completed. In the home learning packs I have also sent you reason and problem solving activities to do. Only one of these should be done, if appropriate each day. Good luck - please don't forget that I am still here to email and see me on Teams. 


Year 1 Maths link: 

Please work from top left and across; each video directly links to the section in the workbook. Only do one section a day.


Year 2 Maths link:

Please work from top left and across; each video directly links to the section in the workbook. Only do one section a day.

